[Gaming] Bravely Default 2 Demo…

It… might just be the worst game I’ve ever played 😡 I ended up completing the whole thing out of curiosity after about 5 hours, including optional bosses, and here are my thoughts on it all. Characters / Story Characters feel pretty average overall (despite the fact that Seth sounds exactly like Xenoblade Rex) StoryContinue reading “[Gaming] Bravely Default 2 Demo…”

[Review] Final Fantasy VII… Has It Aged Well?

Just finished FF7, my first completed Final Fantasy game, on the Nintendo Switch. I can see how it could be amazing for its time (literally 2 decades ago) but man I’m so glad I’m done with it LOL. The only reason I think I finished the whole game was mainly for legacy reasons. I’m notContinue reading “[Review] Final Fantasy VII… Has It Aged Well?”