[Notes] Atomic Habits by James Clear

I’ve just finished reading the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, and holy wow this is one of the most powerful books I’ve read in a while. Its lessons are so influential in everything in our lives, from our everyday habits to developing our skills in any field. I would highly recommend this book to literally anyone!Continue reading “[Notes] Atomic Habits by James Clear”

Book of the Week 13: The Pragmatic Programmer

This week I’ll be covering a topic in the engineering field: the non-technical aspect of the technical field. As this is a topic that’s rarely covered (that doesn’t involve everyday soft skills such as communication and time management), I’m excited to share my review of this exclusive book. Rating: 5/5 Verdict: A non-technical, technical book inContinue reading “Book of the Week 13: The Pragmatic Programmer”

Book of the Week 12: Good to Great

An immensely popular business book with over 70,000 ratings on Goodreads. What makes this book so great? Following last week’s review on what makes ideas great, this time I was interested in seeing if there were any similarities between great ideas and great companies. Using the SUCCESS model explained last week, Jim Collins in thisContinue reading “Book of the Week 12: Good to Great”

Book of the Week 11: Made To Stick

Two superheroes, two teams, fighting each other to the death. Each superhero has firm beliefs in what they are fighting for. There is no true villain. Who do you cheer for? Captain America: Civil War is such a great movie thanks to not only its great writing and humor, but also to the principles inContinue reading “Book of the Week 11: Made To Stick”

Book of the Week 10: When Breath Becomes Air

You’re constantly pushing yourself to be the best you can be, every day. You go to the gym when you could have gone straight home to unwind on Netflix right away. You put in that extra hour studying for the exam. You’ve been doing this for years, your entire life, just to reach your greatestContinue reading “Book of the Week 10: When Breath Becomes Air”

Book of the Week 9: Soft Skills: The software developer’s life manual

This (insert length of time not being a week)’s book features a well-rounded approach to life… specifically for software developers. I’m in the software field (and just starting out too so what better time!), I read, and I’m striving for a balanced life, so of course the sheer title of this book caught my eye!Continue reading “Book of the Week 9: Soft Skills: The software developer’s life manual”

Book of the Week 8: Pour Your Heart Into It

An exciting business memoir yet still an easy read about the origins of Starbucks. Just gonna jump into it. Rating: 5/5 Verdict: Fantastic read for anyone, really: future CEOs, anyone in the business industry, for those who are interested in the history of Starbucks, or for those who simply want to better themselves. CEO and authorContinue reading “Book of the Week 8: Pour Your Heart Into It”

Book of the Week 7: The Only Pirate At The Party

It’s been too long, a full three months! I’ve been keeping up with my weekly readings, but not so much at all with these reviews, ahhh! I’ll be trying to make it a priority as I catch up with the books I’ve read throughout the past months. This week, one I had been waiting onContinue reading “Book of the Week 7: The Only Pirate At The Party”

Book of the Week 4: How to Read a Book

I’ve been seeing this book mentioned quite a bit online. A 3.98/5 on Goodreads and 4.5/5 on Amazon, at only $10 there wasn’t much to lose. The rationale was pretty simple: the better I can read, the more I can get out of each book. Let’s see how it goes.

Book of the Week 3: Quiet – The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

This week we’ll be going into a self-help book, talking about… It’s been a whole week without any posts, my goodness! Lots of ups and downs this week. It’s okay because you’ll now be rewarded with a fantastic book review, such an intellectual book with so many insights that I haven’t experienced with a bookContinue reading “Book of the Week 3: Quiet – The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking”